What others say...

Joy offers a path to befriending your body and the food that nourishes it.
Her warmth, wisdom, sense of humor, and relatable experiences make her the perfect coach for this rewarding journey.
—Chérie Carter-Scott, Ph.D. MCC, author of NYT bestseller, If Life is a Game These are the Rules: 10 Rules for Being Human.
— From some Amazon readers:
"The most delightful diet book you'll ever read. And probably the last.
But wait...it's not really a diet book at all. More like a roadmap to your own journey of self-discovery and freedom from destructive, guilt-laden and obsessive food habits."
"Personal stories make the author seem like a really wise and caring friend, who's been there. If she can do this so can we!"
"Actionable science-based advice which is realistic and applicable no matter your food preferences or cultural background.
"A great read with a profound message--inspiring, informative and often funny! Refreshingly different from other books about weight loss!!"
I had the transformative experience of attending a Thin Within course you taught in Palo Alto, California back in 1978. It changed my entire relationship with food, and made me into a lifelong mindful eater.
So, this is a thank-you note from someone on whose life you effected profound, positive change nearly forty years ago.
—Marcie Mayer, Kea, Greece
Joy’s step-by-step guide to making peace with food and your body works from the inside out. It’s a discovery process that helps you know yourself better, make more conscious choices, and become a healthier person.
—Barbara Abrams DrPH, RD, Professor Emeritus, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley
Joy's weekly newsletter, "Alive! with Joy," has helped me stay sane during the miserable pandemic. Her sense of humor, boundless curiosity, inspiring connections and beautiful photographs always leave me feeling more optimistic. I get a lot of newsletters; hers is the one I read without fail.
—Sharon Manning, Philadelphia